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Keynote talk by Bas Spitters: Verified Oak Smart Contracts
Bas Spitters: Smart Contracts and Formal Verification for the Blockchain
November Meeting -- Bas Spitters
[CPP'23] Formalising Decentralised Exchanges in Coq
EPIT Spring School on HoTT: Bas Spitters Part 2 (h-Levels, type classes and HITs)
EPIT Spring School on HoTT: Bas Spitters Part 1 (Introduction to Coq and HoTT)
EPIT Spring School on HoTT: Bas Spitters Part 3 (Quotients and impredicativity, Axioms )
Panel Debate 3: From Blockchain Infrastructure to Decentralised Applications
Sollicitatiegesprek 1 Bas Spitters
Bas Spitters: Modal Dependent Type Theory and the Cubical Model